The goal of Oklahoma Homeless Resources is not only to connect homeless to resources and people who want to help with the ways they can, it is to provide a community-centered approach to put an end to homelessness.
Each year, there are more than 3,000 homeless individuals in Oklahoma who are in need to assistance. With the rising housing and food costs, there are many individuals and families that are on the brink of homelessness.
The immediate needs of the homeless can include food, shelter, clothing, and hygiene products. They also need access to showers and laundry facilities, and somewhere to store their belongings.
For many homeless, addressing their immediate needs will not be enough for them overcome homelessness or enable them to become self-sufficient. For example, some churches will pay for the homeless to spend the night in a motel, but after that night is over, they are back on the street.
Many homeless will require further assistance over the long-term with things that will address their mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual needs. Without proper support systems in place, they may lack the motivation and accountability needed to change their life and stick to their new lifestyle.
They may also need training in things such as home economics, budgeting, finding jobs, motivation, and life skills. Such training would be beneficial to entire communities and people of all ages.
We believe the entire state of Oklahoma can work together in each community to provide and fulfill for all of the needs of the homeless and low-income families, while at the same time helping support local businesses, non-profits, and churches grow and succeed.

For I was hungry and you gave Me food;
I was thirsty and you gave Me drink;
I was a stranger and you took Me in;
Matthew 25:35
Together, We Can Create Lasting Solutions
Who We Are
Oklahoma Homeless Resources is a non-profit website founded and operated by Making The Impact LLC.
It was created to make it easier for the homeless in Oklahoma to find the help they need, while simultaneously helping the non-profit organizations and ministries by helping connect them with those looking to donate and/or volunteer.
Our Approach to End Homelessness
Homeless individuals and families should not be seen as a burden, but as an opportunity - an opportunity to grow our local economy and equip our citizens with the skills and training to become self-sufficient citizens.
Businesses, non-profit organizations, churches, and the local and state governments can and should collaborate to address this problem and benefit all Oklahomans.
Our Core Beliefs
While this website is founded on Christian beliefs and perspectives, we believe in personal freedoms.
We believe in helping anyone regardless of their religious, political, or personal beliefs.
We believe that religion should NOT be a requirement for receiving assistance.
My Story
Hi, I'm Melissa Li, but my friends call me Lisa. I am the founder of Oklahoma Homeless Resources.
Around ten years ago, I experienced homelessness. Enduring a freezing winter and blistering summer heat without a home is no easy feat and it was impossible to survive without the kindness and generosity of strangers, and the work of God.
The whole experience was extremely traumatic and led me into severe depression. As awful as it was, a lot of good came out of it. It changed my life and outlook forever.
It was because of that ordeal and the events that resulted that I came to know God and started a new life in Christ. It was then that I started going by the name Lisa (Hebrew for "my God is my vow"). Like Saul becoming Paul, I embraced the new identity and life given to me by God.
The experience was like a great awakening for me, that changed me from the inside out. The person I was is gone and I was remade into someone new. I want to use my time left on Earth to make this crazy, broken, messed up world a better place.
During the time I was homeless and the years after, I have encountered many homeless people. Seeing their struggles reminded me of my own and how hard it all was.
I am hoping that this website will accomplish 3 things:
- Help the homeless find the resources they need.
- Connect donors and volunteers to organizations and charities in need.
- Increase awareness statewide of the homeless crises and solutions.
I'm currently running my own business called Making The Impact LLC and I recently graduated from Southeastern Oklahoma State University with a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, with honors.
Though I am busy and I do not have a lot of time to spend on this site, it is however, something I am very passionate about because of it is an issue that has impacted me personally. So as I am able, I will continue to add to this site.
If you are interested in volunteering to help with this project, I would love to hear from you! Send me a message on the contact page and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.